“All problems are behavioural problems
This digital age may either engage or disengage us
We believe an engaged person is a better person
Change behaviour and you change the world”
To understand how to design organisations, devise business models and policies, and make ecosystems work for us in the Digital Age we need to take human behaviour as the unit of analysis. Additionally we seek to understand the mechanisms at work beneath the surface of the rapid digitisation of our world. Finally coordination and governance theory will help predict the combined behaviour of hyper-connected individuals, organisa-tions and things.
Mechanisms of Digital Transformation
The digital revolution exponentially accelerates interaction, information and connectivity. Will these underlying mechanisms help us explain and predict the emergent property we call Digitisation of society?
Behavioural Insight
Understanding of the impact of digital technology on our behaviour so that we can – either top down, horizontally, or bottom up – design and engineer “behavioural Interventions” that shape our digital society
Coordination and Governance
The hyper-connnected world creates as many new coordination problems as it offers tools to resolve these problems. What are the new risks and uncertainties and what variety of actions do we have to cope?
MSc Projects Erasmus University
How can the forces of digitilisation affect Trust, Business Models and Behaviour in such a way that Engagement grows? A series of MSc thesis projects at the Erasmus University lays the foundation for Digital Transformation. THe research programme centers on three themes.
Digitilisation and Trust
Business Model Innovation
Behavour change, Personal Data, and Virtual assistants
Download Thesis Research Factsheet
Behaviour Change & Personal Data
Who will help us manage our digital data and track its usage by others? How can we benefit from combining all our Life's data in a Personal Data Vault? When will we allow ourselves to be nudged by digital coaches for respsonsible behaviour? is the creation of 'homo data-nomicus' good or bad?
Ethics and Governance of AI
The rise of Big Data, algorithms and AI promises solutions but also pose new ethicial and governance challenges and raises questions about human dignity. What measures must organisations and governments take to cope?
(Urban) Data Platforms
Platform business models are disrupting entire industries. What are the governance mechanisms for succesful platforms? And how should incumbents respond to the platform and change their business model accordingly? Whu are urban data platforms vital infrastructure?
Trust in the Digital Age
Trust is an elusive concept, but it is the lubricant of a functioning society. How do we build and foster trust in this time of fake news, social media, and virtual connections? What is the role of blockchain technology in mediating between parties?
Smarter Cities coming of Age, How the convolution of the physical and virtual world changes our behaviour (in Dutch)
2015, Sheombar. Publication by Rijkswaterstaat (in Dutch)
Informatie in het hart van de openbare dienstverlening (in Dutch)
2014, Sheombar, Bentlage, Coppens, van Loon. IBM Thought Leadership Whitepaper
Individualisation of Pharma Marketing: implications for the sales function (in Dutch)
2000, Sheombar, B. Stam. Sales Management
Customer Relationship Management: the customer as your most important asset
(in Dutch)
2000, Sheombar, I. Geraedts. Sales Practitioner's Guide
Understanding logistical coordination - A foundation for using EDI in dyadical VAP design
1995, Sheombar, Ph.D. dissertation. Tutein Nolthenius
Understanding logistical coordination in dyads - A prerequisite for EDI induced redesign
1993, Sheombar. Invited to submit for publication in EDI Europe, Vol. 3, No. 4/1993, pp. 347-368.
EDI-induced redesign of co-ordination in logistics
1992, Sheombar. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 22, No. 8, 1992
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